tissue staining methods

there are so many different methods are used for tissue staining in histology. it is usually difficult to recognize difference  between tissue cells when analyzing the sample under the light microscope because these cells are almost colorless, therefore  .the tissue staining is used for differentiate the colors for accurate diagnosi

you can find more articles about general and special staining methods in the following pages.

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Van Gieson staining is a very common staining used for highlighting the difference between collagen and other connective tissues such as muscle tissue. this method is often used to identify the characteristic sequence of fibers in different tumors.

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Toluidine Blue, which

known as Toluene chloride, is a metachromatic stain that has acidophilic features which  means that stains acidic tissues, it specially absorbs nucleic acids therefore it used to stain dense DNA and RNA tissues.

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Immunohistochemistry , also called IHC, is a combination of histology  and immunology techniques. it is consist of three important parts.: antiboldies, signal generating systems for tracking and the solid phase which the reactions take place in it.

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Alcian blue is one of the alcian dyes introduced in 1948 beside alcian yellow and alcian  green.this is a polyvalent  basic dyes group that contains 2-4 isoturonium groups having positive charge.

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Nissl staining is used for analyzing Nissl materials(masses of rough endoplasmic reticulum and free polyribosomes) and DNA staining within the nucleus found in nerve cells.

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